Senate Candidate Nicole Ruscitto Aims to Deliver Lower Costs For Pennsylvania's Working Families

Nicole Ruscitto, a teacher, mother, and councilwoman, says she is determined to lower costs for Pennsylvania’s families and promote opportunities for the local economy in Pennsylvania's 37th State Senate District.

“We must ensure that Jefferson Hills makes economic development decisions that keep the interest of our families and children in mind,” says Nicole when asked about growth and development. 

With a $915 billion gross domestic product output, the Keystone State is the sixth-largest economy in the U.S. and abundant with economic opportunities. Nicole says her economic blueprint recognizes that companies are making record profits and that she is determined to  connect families to economic opportunities and prioritize lowering everyday costs. In her plan, Ruscito emphasizes the role of a livable wage in helping working families afford groceries, rent, and utilities and pledges to support policies to raise the minimum wage. Beyond wages, she highlights her plan to lower costs by improving the quality of jobs reaching Pennsylvania by supporting policies that attract jobs with access to essential benefits such as healthcare and paid leave. Fiscal decisions have made Pennsylvania an economic powerhouse— Ruscitto says she wants to ensure these decisions continue to serve families across the state. 

Referencing her background in education, including degrees from California University of Pennsylvania, Duquesne University, and the Community College of Allegheny County, Ruscitto says she plans to advocate for Western Pennsylvania’s community and economy.


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