Exploring Rep. Joe Emrick’s Record Supporting School Vouchers, Voting Against Public School Funding
The Republican candidate for House District 137 is incumbent Rep. Joe Emrick. Rep. Emrick says that “securing funding for our children’s education” is a top priority. According to his campaign website, “[a]s a former economics and American history high school teacher for 18 years, Joe Emrick has made it a priority to support our local schools in Harrisburg, voting to fully fund public education at record levels without raising taxes.”
However, Rep. Emrick voted for HB 2169 – the school voucher bill that would have directed funding away from public schools and towards private and charter schools. Emrick also voted against HB 2370, the education funding reform bill that would end “what critics call gross overpayments to cyber charter schools and set minimum salaries for teachers.”
Emrick’s Democratic opponent, Anna Thomas, also lists “quality public education” as one her top campaign priorities. According to her campaign website, Thomas will “ensure we get our fair share of state funding.” Thomas served as a student representative on the Bethlehem Area School Board. She says that a “highly-skilled workforce is essential for a strong economy, so she’ll expand vocational training and keep tuition affordable at our public universities and community colleges.”