The Morning Mirror

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State Rep. Joey Andrews Advocates for Abortion Rights in Michigan House Race

Democratic candidate Joey Andrews, who is running for reelection in House District 38, supports abortion rights. According to Rep. Andrews, “[e]veryone should have the right to access affordable, safe, and high-quality reproductive healthcare.” Rep. Andrews has stated that “reproductive rights are human rights,” and that “politicians shouldn’t be involved in an individual’s right to decide for themselves if, when and with whom to start or grow a family.”

After the Supreme Court repealed Roe v. Wade, Michiganders’ reproductive rights were at risk, as the state’s 1931 abortion ban could have taken effect. Rep. Andrews voted to repeal the ban, stating “[w]e must immediately repeal Michigan’s arcane ban and enshrine the right to choose abortion as originally recognized in Roe v. Wade in Michigan state law.” 

Representative Andrews has two Republican opponents: George Lucas and Kevin Whiteford. Both Lucas and Whiteford have stated they are anti-abortion. According to Whiteford, “I am pro-life. I believe life starts at conception. It has its own DNA, to me that means it has a constitutional right.”

After the repeal of Roe v. Wade, the Michigan Republican Party issued a statement celebrating the Supreme Court’s decision that overturned decades of women throughout the country having the right to an abortion. A majority of Michigan Republicans voted against repealing the 1931 abortion ban that could have taken effect post-Roe.