The Morning Mirror

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Sen. Daniel Laughlin Says He Prioritizes Prosperity for Pennsylvania Families

Born and raised in Erie, State Senator Daniel Laughlin represents Pennsylvania's 49th Senatorial District and has centered his platform on driving economic growth through strategic policy initiatives. 

Laughlin says his economic priorities are tax reform, job creation, and family support. Laughlin says he recognizes the importance of fostering a business-friendly environment in Pennsylvania. He highlights his goal to reduce corporate income taxes, citing the state's high rates as a deterrent to business development. Laughlin also points to his efforts to enact the Family Care Act and establish an insurance program to provide financial support to working parents caring for sick family members or newborns. Laughlin has co-sponsored legislation to increase the state’s minimum wage, and cites studies demonstrating minimal job loss in neighboring states that have implemented similar wage increases.

First elected in 2016, Laughlin has represented the district for two terms.  He currently serves as Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee and Vice Chairman of the Game and Fisheries Committee, among other committee roles, and has a background in small business ownership and residential construction.