The Morning Mirror

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Candidates in Race for Michigan’s 109th House District Offer Differing Experiences, Approaches

In the race for Michigan’s 109th State House District and at a time where Michigan’s economic landscape is changing, Republican voters are faced with several options for their state representative to Lansing. 

Burt Mason says his focus is to help Michigan’s Upper Peninsula economy with policies that attract new businesses, spur employment opportunities, and eliminate regulations. Mason also says he would fight to reduce spending by the government.

One of the core planks of Melody Wagner’s platform is to protect consumers from unfair and predatory business practices. She says she would advocate for stronger laws to safeguard consumers from deceptive business practices in Michigan.

Karl Bohnak, with over 40 years of experience in radio and television broadcasting, is focused on leveraging his knowledge of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and its history to inform policy making. 

In addition to these three candidates, George Meister is the fourth candidate to join the Republican primary race, which will be decided on August 6.