The Perks of Journaling
In today's technologically savvy world, journaling has become less popular as work and school increasingly rely on computers, with thoughts, notes, and to-do lists stored in apps or virtual documents.
Journaling is a fun way to jot down thoughts, and it also has a variety of benefits. Picking up a pen and journaling is proven to relieve stress. Writing out your internal thoughts and feelings is a good way to set aside unproductive and overwhelming emotions.
Journaling can also be a great way to boost creativity. Calligraphy is a versatile medium that journalers can use to get more creative with their writing by using visual elements and different fonts. And journals are not just for writing; they can be a place for painting, collages, and sketching.
So, pick up a pen and notebook, and start taking advantage of the perks of journaling today.