Netflix Releases Martha Stewart Documentary
Netflix has released a new documentary about Martha Stewart, titled Martha. The film covers the life of the 83-year old homemaking mogul, including her 50-year career, her marriage, and her time in prison.
Stewart criticized the filmmaker R.J. Cutler for focusing too much time on her trial and prison sentence, telling The New York Times, “[i]t was not that important. The trial and the actual incarceration was less than two years out of an 83-year life. I considered it a vacation, to tell you the truth. … The trial itself was extremely boring. Even the judge fell asleep. R.J. didn’t even put that in. The judge was asleep at the bench. I wrote it in my diary every day.”
In response, Cutler said, “I am really proud of this film, and I admire Martha’s courage in entrusting me to make it… I’m not surprised that it’s hard for her to see aspects of it.”