The Morning Mirror

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Rep. Shannon Zimmerman Voted for School Voucher Bill, Wants to “Liberate Education Centers”

Republican incumbent Shannon Zimmerman is running for reelection in State Assembly District 30. Rep. Zimmerman has supported school vouchers, voting for AB 900, which would have moved voucher program funding to the state. At the same time, public school funding would remain the responsibility of the school districts. This policy is known as “decoupling” and some questioned its fairness. Governor Evers opposed the bill. 

According to his spokesperson, “Gov. Evers will not support creating a separate school funding system so certain schools can be funded differently than every other public school in our state…Gov. Evers urges Republicans to focus on doing what’s best for our kids by meaningfully funding our public schools under the system we already have, as the governor has repeatedly requested.”

Rep. Zimmerman has also stated that he wants to “liberate education centers” to connect them with the economy and business in order to help solve Wisconsin’s workforce shortage. 

Democrat Alison Page is running against Rep. Zimmerman for State Assembly District 30.  According to her campaign website, Page’s mission is “[m]aking the world a better place for children and the families they live in, starting in Western Wisconsin.” 

Page says that she would work to strengthen communities by supporting schools, stating that she will “work to build strong communities by supporting our businesses, schools, healthcare organizations and local government.”

Page has been endorsed by the Wisconsin Education Association Council.