Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Voted for School Voucher Bill
Republican incumbent Jessie Rodriguez is running for reelection in Assembly District 21. Rep. Rodriguez, who says on her campaign website that “[e]nsuring kids have the opportunity for a great education is a top priority,” voted for AB 900, which would have shifted school voucher funding to the state, while districts remained responsible for public schools. Rep. Rodriguez also voted for SB 330, which increased taxpayer funding going to private school vouchers. According to the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association, “[w]hile public school students would see a meager increase that fails to keep pace with inflation, this deal would increase taxpayer payments to private voucher schools by 13 percent for K-8 voucher schools and 33 percent for private voucher high schools…It is an insult to every public school student, worker and taxpayer to see the $7 billion surplus that was built on their backs result in yet another budget that fails to adequately fund Wisconsin’s public schools.”
Rep. Rodriguez has also stated that she supports legislation “that empowers parents with more information about what is being taught in schools.”
David Marstellar, the Democratic candidate for Wisconsin Assembly District 21 has spoken out against Wisconsin’s school voucher system, sharing an article that said, “[t]he school choice program is no longer limited to that altruistic approach championed by Thompson in 1990. It no longer is aimed at low-income families unable to afford private school tuition. Now wealthier families, who for years paid their children's tuition at private and religious schools themselves, can stake claims to taxpayer-supported vouchers.”
Marstellar has been endorsed by the Wisconsin Education Association Council.